AIHA and OSHA representatives following the signing of the agreement in November 2018. From the left to the right: Director of OSHA’s Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs, Douglas J. Kalinowski, OSHA Safety & Health Specialist Christina E. Morgan, AIHA Director of Government Relations Mark Ames, AIHA 2018 President Cynthia A Ostrowski, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA Loren Sweatt, AIHA CEO Larry Sloan.
Tip Sheets

AIHA Volunteer Groups have developed one-page tip sheets for occupational health and safety professionals for at-a-glance information on specific hazards. Each tip sheet briefly describes the hazard, control methods, and resources for additional information. The OSHA Alliance supports these tips.

Safety Alerts

Through the OSHA and Shipbuilding Group Alliance and the American Industrial Hygiene Association, and the American Society of Safety Engineers Alliances, in June 2011, the participants developed a safety alert addressing the prevention of ergonomic-related hazards in shipyard employment, including possible solutions to prevent injuries during the job.

For further information, visit OSHA's Alliance page.

Our AIHA-OSHA National Alliance, and in coordination with ASA, ASSE, NSRP, and SCA, includes a series of Safety Alerts below.